Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers are front line, first response providers to disaster events – whether man made or natural; intentional or accidental. Consequently, EMS providers need to maintain proficiency in handling these type emergencies.
Working along side the PA Dept. of Health – Bureau of Public Health Preparedness, Regional Task Forces, Healthcare Coalitions, Pa Emergency Management Agency, County Emergency Management/Public Safety Departments, and numerous other stakeholders, Seven Mountains works to assure that proper training and equipment is available within the system to adequately meet those needs.
There are multiple systems strategically located throughout the Region to assist in the provision of emergency medical care should the need arise. These include:
- Mobile Medical Surge System (MMSS) – 50 bed unit, with tenting, and equipment needed to enable the establishment of triage, alternate care, and/or relocation centers in areas where there are no acceptable or accessable physical facilities
- Casualty Collection Point (CCP) – 25 bed unit, with tenting, and equipment needed to enable the establishment of triage, alternate care, and/or relocation centers in areas where there are no acceptable or accessable physical facilities
- Medical Supply Equipment Cache (MSEC) – Equipment needed (including 50 cots) to enable the establishment of triage, alternate care, and/or relocation centers within pre-existing structures such as a community center or school gymnasium.
- Shower trailer – for emergency responder rehab/comfort during extended deployments.
- Multiple trailers with equipment caches available as requested to assist when local resources are overwhelmed.
- Incident command trailer with support equipment for extended operations.
Other available equipment:
- Kubota with Med-Bed
- portable generators
- light tower & portable lighting
- portable heaters/air conditioners
- portable communication’s equipment
Above mentioned equipment is available as needed – requests need to be submitted through the County EMA coordinator using the Commonwealth ‘unmet needs’ process.
Pennsylvania EMS Strike Team
The purpose of an EMS STRIKE TEAM is to provide transportation of patients from an area where local EMS agencies have become overwhelmed and unable to handle the amount of patients and/or request related to a specific situation. During this time, EMS Strike Teams are able to assist them to meet the needs of the community. Strike team deployment will, at minimum, consist of five ambulances with two EMS providers each, a Team Leader & vehicle, common communications capabilities, and sufficient equipment & supplies to be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours.
EMS Strike Teams may only be activated for a response by the Bureau of EMS. Upon activation, the specific mission of the EMS Strike Team is dictated by the Bureau of EMS and is coordinated with other appropriate local, regional, state and federal response agencies under a NIMS compliant response matrix.
The Seven Mountains EMS Region 8 EMS Strike Team contingent consists of the following agencies that have agreed to provide ambulances and personnel, as available, when requested by the Commonwealth on relatively short notice, for disasters or special events.
Currently, the Seven Mountains Region 8 Strike Team consists of the following EMS Agencies:
Americus Hose Company Ambulance
Area Services
Berwick Ambulance
Centre Life Link EMS
Central Juniata EMS
Danville Ambulance
McVeytown Ambulance
Moshannon Valley EMS
Snow Shoe Ambulance